Programme de fidélité
Le programme de fidélité est conçu dans le but de récompenser les clients fidèles du Camping Stobreč Split. Collectez les COOKIES pour notre BOWIE et gagnez des prix fabuleux.
Get your Card and become part of our Loyalty program...
Collect COOKIES for our BOWIE and win wonderful prizes.
Loyalty program is designed with the goal of rewarding our loyal Clients for using Camping Stobreč Split services.
To become a member of Camping Stobreč Split Loyalty program, please fill out form listed below. Your Loyalty card will be issued and will be waiting for you at the Reception, upon your arrival to Camping Stobreč Split.

Terms And Conditions
Download Loyalty Program Terms and Conditions here.
Download Loyalty Program Prizes here.
Camping Stobreč Split: a Campsite owned by Excelsus d.o.o., Company which is the organizer of the Loyalty Program. Excelsus d.o.o. requires responsibility from Members and provides guarantees to the Members.
Loyalty Program: program organized by Excelsus d.o.o. under the name Camping Stobreč Split Loyalty Program. All copyrights on this Program belong exclusively to Excelsus d.o.o.
Client: a person who has not yet enrolled Loyalty Program and accepted Terms and Conditions.
Member: a Client who has enrolled Loyalty Program and accepted Terms and Conditions of the Program.
Cookie: a unit value generated according to conversion of monetary expenses and can be exchanged for services defined in Terms and Conditions of the Program - paragraph prizes.
Loyalty Card: card given to members as a certificate of their membership in the Loyalty Program used for collecting cookies and exchanging them for defined services and benefits.
About the program
The objective of Loyalty program is to reward our loyal Clients for using Camping Stobreč Split services. Every client has the right to enroll the Program upon his/her request, as well as unsubscribe at any time by written notification to the e-mail address;
Digital Loyalty Card can be issued at the Camping Stobreč Split Reception office by signing the Loyalty Card request form or by filing our Website Loyalty request form. With these actions individual becomes a full member of the Loyalty Program and agrees to all General Terms and Conditions. Terms and Conditions are avaliable at Campsite Reception and at Our Privacy Policy you can find at
Loyalty Card can be collected only at Camping Stobreč Split Reception office.
With the enrollment in the program, a member is entitled to collect points – hereinafter referred to as cookies that are generated according to conversion of monetary expenses at defined consumer points within the Campsite. Member is entitled to all services and benefits listed in paragraph Prizes, depending on cookies number he/she collects.
A requirement for the use of the card is a presence of the person the card is addressed to and member’s name on the invoice when collecting cookies. Loyalty Card is the personal property of each member and may not be lent, transferred or sold.
Cookies from two or more cards cannot be combined.
Clients who book accommodation via agency, or on the "lump sum" principle, as well as groups, will not be eligible to collect cookies.
Membership in Loyalty Program is free of charge and it does not create any financial obligations for the user nor the obligation of purchasing any Camping Stobreč Split products or services.
In case the card is lost or stolen, member should notify immediately Camping Stobreč Split via email; Upon member's request, a new card with the new member number will be issued and member will retain previously collected cookies. Fee for the new card is 10,00 €.
In order to collect cookies, loyalty card should be presented before payment is done and invoice issued. If the card hasn't been presented before the invoice is issued, it will not be possible to gain cookies for that invoice. Cookies can be collected for payments at the reception office for accommodation, and at restaurant and bars (food and drinks consumption, renting beach facilities: sunbeds, parasols, jet skis), as well as our Wellness and Spa Center.
Collected cookies can be exchanged for prizes only during the next time a member stays at Camping Stobreč Split. Next stay is considered to be the stay after at least 7 days from the date the member checked out and paid the invoice.
Members collect cookies as follows: every 15,00 € spent = 1 cookie.
Gathered cookies cannot be exchanged for cash. When a member decides to exchange collected cookies for prizes, Loyalty Card should be presented and a voucher issued at the Reception office. Required number of cookies for the chosen prize will be deducted from the Loyalty Card.
Cookies that are not used for 5 years since the day they have been collected will be automatically deleted.
Collected cookies can be exchanged for following prizes/services and according to the below specified periods. Some of the prizes may not be available throughout the whole year, depending on their availability, weather conditions or any other reason.
01.01.-30.06. and 01.09.-31.12. | |
Parasol and two sunbeds - 1 day use | 50 cookies |
Kayak for 2 persons - 2 hours use | 55 cookies |
Surprise gift made of autochthonous Croatian products | 65 cookies |
Voucher for a Restaurant or Beach bar in amount of EUR 30 | 75 cookies |
Voucher for a Restaurant or Beach bar in amount of EUR 50 | 85 cookies |
Body Massage 45 minutes (for one person) + Dinner in our Restaurant in amount of EUR 50 | 100 cookies |
01.07. - 31.08. | |
Parasol and two sunbeds - 1 day use | 150 cookies |
Kayak for 2 persons - 2 hours use | 170 cookies |
Surprise gift made of autochthonous Croatian products | 190 cookies |
Voucher for a Restaurant or Beach bar in amount of EUR 30 | 210 cookies |
Voucher for a Restaurant or Beach bar in amount of EUR 50 | 230 cookies |
Body Massage 45 minutes (for one person) + Dinner in our Restaurant in amount of EUR 50 | 250 cookies |
Program amendments
Camping Stobreč Split reserves the right to withdraw the card at any time and without any special or specified notice, as well as to modify or completely abolish the Loyalty Program.
Any changes of the Terms and Conditions will be published at Camping Stobreč Split official website The amendments are considered accepted if the user, within eight days after the notice is published, doesn’t cancel Loyalty Card in writing form to e-mail address;
Personal data protection and applicable law
By activating the card, user agrees that Camping Stobreč Split collects and processes personal data specified in the Loyalty Program request form. Data collected by the Loyalty Program will be used for the purpose of collecting cookies and winning prizes.
For the purposes of applying for our Loyalty Program, the following data are collected: Name, Surname, Date of Birth, E-mail, Address, City, Country and Sex. All fields are mandatory and the collected data will be used exclusively for registration and membership in the Loyalty Program. Your personal data will be will be kept until the moment you decide to unsubscribe from our Loyalty Program. You can unsubscribe at any time by written notification to the e-mail address;
Personal data will not be shared with other parties in accordance to the Croatian Law of Personal Data Protection. More about Personal Data Protection our Privacy Policy and User rights, you can find on following link:
Any use of the Loyalty Card and Program contrary to these Terms and Conditions may result in immediate cancellation of the card and deletion of all collected cookies.
In case of a dispute between a Member and Camping Stobreč Split Loyalty Program, the two parties will try to resolve the dispute in good faith. Camping Stobreč Split Loyalty Program is regulated exclusively by the Croatian law. Any controversy or dispute arising out of or relating to these General Terms and Conditions, which cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, shall be resolved by the Croatian courts under Croatian law. In case of any dispute, the Croatian version of the General Terms and Conditions shall prevail.